Former Foster Care Youth

Former Foster Care Youth
“I started foster care when I was 4. Since then I have been in numerous different foster homes. I have been in so many foster homes I can’t even count anymore. I lived in a lot of foster homes since as you get older, some foster parents don’t tend to want teenagers. That became hard for me. I always wanted to be adopted and I felt like nobody wanted me.
The longest foster home was my last one and I was there for 7 years. They still treat me like I am their own daughter. They didn’t adopt me but they consider me to be part of their family. My own daughter calls them Nana and Papa. They are my family.
This foster family, which was a Community Care foster home, was really good to me. They helped me get through high school. If it wasn’t for them, I wouldn’t have graduated. They really pushed me and were determined to get me through school. I felt connected to them instantly. They had patience–lots of it. They were determined to help kids. I wish I was more like them when it comes to having that type of patience!
If you like helping kids it is a great thing to do. I was, and other kids can be a handful at times. Have lots of patience and only do it if you really like helping kids.”