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Meet Brynn Cote — Foster Care Developer

January 2020 marks 20 years that I have worked at Community Care. I began my career at Community Care after working with teenagers who came from multi-faceted backgrounds in a group capacity with scouting programs and youth programs at my church. I worked as a Family Integration Specialist for 16 years with Community Care where I had the opportunity to watch children grow and learn new skills as part of the foster homes that they were placed in. Some of those children were reunified with their biological families, some of them were adopted by either their foster families or other families, and some of them became adults with the support of their foster families and the teams that supported them at Community Care. Regardless of where those children moved on to, I have found the resiliency of the children in care to be incredibly inspiring.
In 2016 there was an opening for the Foster Home Developer position and I saw it as a new challenge and a new avenue to support the children in care. As Foster Home Developer, my inspiration continues to be the children in foster care but has expanded by the inspiration of families that are willing to open their homes to provide a safe and supportive environment for those children to continue to grow.
As an adoptive parent myself, I have been able to see firsthand the impact that a supportive home can have on a child and the incredible impact that child can have on a family. Fostering and/or adopting a child or children may be one of the most challenging journeys there is, but it is also one of the most rewarding ones. I am committed to supporting homes through the challenges of licensing their home, upgrading their license, or identifying the appropriate agency supports needed to help foster homes to be successful and rewarding for both the foster family and the children placed in their homes.
I look forward to hearing from you to get you started on your journey or to continue your journey as a Treatment Foster Home with Community Care.
Contact Brynn Cote, Foster Home Developer for Community Care at 945-4240 or by email
Online Inquiry Form
If you would like to have Brynn reach out and get in touch with you so you can talk more about becoming a foster parent, just enter your name and a phone number or email address that she can use to get in touch with you below.